
Dog Yoga or as it’s commonly becoming known ‘Doga’ is the practice of yoga for you and your dog together in the one class. Usually outdoors. Firstly, developed in the USA and advertised as having helped ill dogs in Japan for years, people who attend these classes claim,
“They have never seen their dog so calm”
Apparently, just like humans, dogs can suffer from anxiety, depression and stress. Doga helps dogs by allowing them pick up on our yogi body language, deep breathing, some massaging (supplied by you) and stretches designed for their doggy limbs. Bent as a dog’s hind leg?
Well if you are into health and fitness and love dogs, this could be a new career path for you. The Rancan sisters seem to think so. Take a sneak peak into one of their classes here:
Dog photography

Dog photography is no longer a cute-sy, silly thing. It is a serious, high end and in demand business. Some of the world’s best photographers are winning awards for their creative pursuits all in the name of the Dog.
This career can also a very rewarding one as quite often photographers can use their shots to help those poor doggies in need of adoption as well as make families and owners with dogs very happy. This is something that RuffnStuff know all too well. With their clients saying:
“While Helen’s title is Pet Photographer, she could just as easily be considered a professional Joy Bringer – because that’s what her work does.”
Elke Vogelslang has really raised the bar with her amazingly expressive and unique dog portraits. She demonstrates how you can couple serious photography skills with your love of hounds.
Elka says in order to achieve this style of photography you have to : “GET ON THE DOG’S LEVEL”
She says “You need patience and must be willing to observe, wait for the perfect moment, and shoot lots of pictures. Get down on your knees or stomach, and be willing to get your clothes dirty. During a photo session with a dog, you’ll hardly ever see me standing. I lie on the ground, trying to make the dog look straight into my camera while I’m on eye-level with the dog.
Dog Cop

Got a burning desire to stand up for the animals you love? You could become a Dog Cop or ‘Inspector’ as they are commonly called. An inspectors mission is to prevent animal cruelty. Part of this role can be to rescue animals that have been neglected or abandoned and in some instances, gather evidence and prepare a file for prosecution. Just like Human Cops. There is also a wider part of this role that includes drawing on education, training and marketing skills to inform on issues like; better health care for animals, inhumane testing on animal and harmful devices such as electric collars. It’s not always serious stuff either.
Ever seen a dog drive a car?
The SPCA who has a team of Inspectors in their New Zealand office chose to raise awareness for pups that needed homes by showcasing how smart they are with a video of them driving human cars! Meet Porter, the world’s first driving dog.
You could also be part of ground-breaking community programs like this one by the RSPCA:
“Jail program allows neglected dogs and prisoners to help each other”
Dog Psychic

A pet psychic, or ‘Animal Communicator’ is a person who claims to communicate with animals in a way that enables two-way conversation, much like we humans have with each other.
Stefan from Sydney claims that through using a Pet psychic from Animal Speak her dog, Willow’s fear of water was solved and they “both sleep better too”
If you have psychic abilities or just believe in the fact that all beings can communicate with one another somehow, you could help people gain a better understanding of their dogs and problems they may be having. This could be a very rewarding career and I also imagine at times, quite a funny one. You can solve dogs behavioural problems such as dog anxiety, endless digging or barking or needy tendencies.